Classes & Seminars
Classes & Seminars
We provide a unique assortment of hands-on classes and seminars that are as entertaining as they are educational. Programs can be tailored for Schools & Daycare Centers, Businesses & Organizations, or Private Groups, Ect.
Royal Keys Programs are Dedicated to Cultivating Integrity, Courtesy, Personal Development, Anti-Bullying,
Etiquette, Positive Social-Emotional Skills, Good Proper - Behavior and So Much More
"Our children, both boys and girls, enjoyed learning these very important and needed social skills. The Grand Tea Party that completed the class was also a great success. We are looking forward to our September session, 'Club Royal Keys'."
The Classes Offered To Include:
Basic Etiquette
Holiday Etiquette
Being a Good Friend
Being a Good Guest
Interview Skills
Conflict Resolution
Public Speaking
Queen of Royal Keys
Dating Etiquette
Party Skills
Summer and Specialty Day Camps
Host and Hostesses
Executive Development
Change Management
Basic Life Skills
History of Etiquette
Personality Development
Peer Pressure
Social Skills
Intermediate Etiquette
Respect for Self and Others
Team Building
Professional Etiquette
And Many More...
"We recommend this program to any Group of any age. It is a fun way to learn and to grow in personal relationships and the area of self-confidence and manners. Royal Keys Rocks!"
Thank you very much,
Stacy and Dan
"Your Etiquette classes provide a captivating presentation of basic tools we all need to function smoothly in our society. We feel that the values and habits you have instilled in our students will aid them throughout their lives. And it was so much fun."
Maureen Dougherty
Director, Ring Mountain Day School
Schools & Daycare Centers
Royal Keys offers exciting and fun hands-on classes to Schools and Daycare Centers as well as After-School Enrichment Programs.
Royal Keys style is flexible and adapts to many situations and challenges that need to be addressed.
Children have fun playing games, saying rhymes, drawing, role-playing, and learning history, all in an exciting hands-on safe environment.
Our experience is a noticeable improvement in everyday behavior, and improved personal sense of confidence and a feeling of accomplishment.
The difference between who you are today and who you will become is how you deal with everyday situations. With a few simple rules, your whole life will change, and new opportunities will come into your life.
"It was excellent. I would like more classes."
~ Ingrid
Queen of Royal Keys
One of our most demanded programs is the Queen of Royal Keys. This program teaches the history of Etiquette and Behavior. Children learn etiquette and Courtesy with the understanding that they are being prepared to meet the Queen.
The Last day, Her Royal Majesty appears and dubs the children Knights and Princesses, with a Certificate of Accomplishment. She then will sit and have tea with the children as they use all their new skills and have a royal conversation.
"I am excited to use my manners."
~ Julia 7
The Key To Bully Proofing
Bully Proofing! This is a program that teaches Safe and Peaceful Solutions that solve problems and reduce conflicts, keeping violence away from children, and strengthening their self-worth.
Through Games and Role-Playing, Royal Keys will help students think about their behavior, attitude, compassion, anger management, empathy, and tolerance. Students will explore ways they can ease the social isolation, deal with criticism, and learn effective communication strategies. Students examine the characteristics and attitudes that are needed for successful interaction in today's society.
"Your natural charm and eloquence endeared you to our students. At the end of the school year, our students voted it the best class of the year, and our school board decided to make it a graduation requirement."
Frances S. Wise
Director, Cabrini Academy
This Important Program Shows Students How A Positive, Caring Attitude Will Help Them Reach Their Goals And Problem Solve And Make Peaceful, Healthy, Positive, And Safe Choices.
Learn How to Make Better Decisions and Choices
Respect Yourself And Others
Step Up to Peace
Prevent Violence
Resolve Conflicts
Have Empathy
Manage your Anger
Deal with Bullies and Troublemakers
"Filled me in on information I did not know. The class was informative, interesting and entertaining."
~ Danielle
Bully Prevention
Research shows that schools are failing to teach students the social and emotional skills necessary to become successful both academically and socially. There is a great demand and need to teach these important and powerful skill to our world.
The Royal Keys' Social-Emotional Education and Development (SEED®) Program® provides the training necessary to acquire the social and emotional skills needed to improve behavior thus Improving academic achievement as well as preventing Bullying.
Therefore a partnership with Royal Keys® will compliment your school or organization's curriculum and/or enrichment programs in a co-operative effort to improve academic achievement, social-emotional behavior, and facilitating an end to bullying.
Help put an end to Bullying.
With Royal Keys® Bully Prevention Program, your School or Organization will stand out as being exceptional! Royal Keys Programs teach Respect, Social-Emotional/Life Skills, and Bully Prevention.
Royal Keys changes people's lives for the better. Not just how they act, but also how people react to them
Lack of social-emotional education has been shown to adversely affect student academic achievement and the development of positive relationships among peers.
Royal Keys® has powerful and important programs that provide the added key needed to prevent bullying in a fun and safe environment, thus changing the children's/people's lives for the better in a positive, safe and memorable way.
“Students who have taken the RoyalKeys classes are now more kind and have been more able to socialize. Thank you Royal Keys!”
-Stacy McKenna
According to the 2008 Indicators of School Crime and Safety report from the Institute of Education Sciences, 24% of elementary and secondary schools report daily or weekly bullying incidents (Dinkes et al., 2009).
Consequences for such children include emotional distress, such as loneliness, anxiety, and depression, as well as poor school performance and attendance, low self-confidence and self-concept, and social marginalization. These effects can be very long-lasting. (Dempsey & Storch, 2008).
Among U.S. students who reported low grades, victims of bullying were more likely to report receiving D's and F's than other students. (U.S. Department of Education, 2005)
Bullycide: Researchers at Yale found a correlation between bullying, being bullied and suicide in children, in a review of 37 studies from 13 countries.
Bullying victims were found to be up to nine times more likely to report suicidal thoughts than other children were. The perpetrators who are the bullies also have an increased risk for suicidal behaviors. (Int J Adolesc Med Health 20 (2), 2008).
26% of teens have been harassed via cell phones by voice or by text. (Lenhart 2010)
Students' behavior affects the classroom environment, and it can affect their academic achievement. (Lane, 1999)
Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture, you can change a person's life.
Royal Keys International has over 50 programs to fit your needs.
The Royal Keys class is excellent. I learned many things that I did not know before. I had lots of fun in the Royal Keys Class. Thank you for the program. I like the Royal Keys class a lot."
~ Michaela
“Royal Keys Classes have given our children the skills to socialize and make more friends to play with.”
-Our Lady of Visitations Academy
“Filled me in on information I did not know. The class was informative, interesting and entertaining."
~ Danielle
Businesses & Organizations
Royal Keys offers Entertaining and Unique Classes and Seminars for Business, Social Groups, Organizations, and Clubs for your community.
In Fun, Playful and Creative ways, we teach people Confidence, Courtesy, Etiquette, Character, and History.
Royal Keys changes people's lives for the better. Not just how they act, but also how people react to them.
Everyone knows that there is a huge need for kindness and respect in the world today. People just don't know how to unlock the door to these skills, abilities, and potential.
Their Self-Confidence will grow, and new opportunities will come into their lives. They will radiate with Self-Esteem.
Some Of The Classes Offered Are:
Basic Etiquette
Peer Pressure
Party Skills
Respect for Self and Others
Team Building
Conflict Resolution
Interview Skills
Business/Corporate Etiquette
Professional Etiquette
Basic Life Skills
History of Etiquette
Personality Development
Social Skills
Host and Hostesses
Executive Development
Public Speaking
Change Management
Team Building
Image Consulting
and Many More...
Many different types of organizations that can use classes of the Royal Keys. Business Fraternities, Nursing Schools, Service Organizations, Corporations, Executive Development Organizations, Churches, Hospitality and Catering Organizations, Customer Service Industries, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, etc.
“We recommend this program to any Group of any age. It is a fun way to learn and to grow in personal relationships and the area of self-confidence and manners. Royal Keys Rocks!"
Thank you very much,
Stacy and Dan
Image Consulting
“Royal Keys is changing Behaviors, Attitudes and Lives”®
With a few simple techniques from our “Royal Keys Image Consultant“, your whole life can change. - Royal Keys changes people's lives for the better. Not just how you act, but also how people react to you.
- Your self confidence will grow and new opportunities will come into your life.
- Did you know: “The first 3 seconds someone meets you, you have already made a first impression“?
- They have already formed an opinion of who you are and what you are all about.
- You never get a second chance to make a good first impression, but “Royal Keys is here to help.”
- If you have ever wanted to make a good first impressIon or to get a chance to make a second lasting impression,
“Just ask Royal Keys“.
Royal Keys has the Keys to open the doors to:
- Improving Your Appearance
- Learn Important and Necessary Communication Skills
- Personal and Professional Tips and Tricks
- Grow Your Self Confidence
- People Looking and Treating You Differently,
- New and Positive Opportunities to Impact Your Life
- Royal Keys will help you develop and create your own unique image to achieve your goals and dreams.
- You will not only become and appear different, but people will see and treat you differently.
- Our clients are not just individuals. We also have programs for businesses, organizations, corporations, weddings and special events as well.
- Our Royal Keys Image Consultant's main focus is on the whole you, your personal style, appearance, etiquette, body language, and much more.
- You will be taken through a process of evaluating your needs.
- Royal Keys will open the doors to change your personal life style and image through body language, attitude, attire, personal style, social skills, and more, in order to help you achieve what you want out of life.
- The difference between who you are today and who you will become is how you deal with every day situations.®
The new polished, confident, and competent "you" will find it easier to find your ideal job, friends, relationships and life. - Royal Keys will help you adapt to more positive life experiences.
- With a few simple techniques from our “Royal Keys Image Consultant “ your whole life can change.
- Your self confidence will grow and new opportunities will come into your life.
Your whole life can change and you will radiate with self-esteem.
“Mrs. Smith Classes have helped me tremendously with social skills and work skills. Autism is all about development! Royal Keys has gone the extra mile to make sure her clients are satisfied. My friends and highly recommend!!”
"After just a few hours of working with you and doing the lessons to change my life I have now found the man of my dreams."
Happy Catherine
"It was excellent. I would like more classes."
~ Ingrid
Parents love our programs!
“The difference between who you are today and who you will become is how you deal with everyday situations.” ®
When you enroll your child in a Royal Keys Program, not only do they learn the program, but they have a chance to interact and role-play with their parents on better behavior. It is asked of parents to practice each week on the new subject that is learned. Practice makes perfect.
Subjects like Respect, Compliments, How to help around the house, Empathy, and Basic Etiquette soon become a part of everyday living.
If you let us know of an issue, you would like us to work on with your child. We are happy to do so.
Adult seminars and programs have also become very popular.
Adult seminars and programs not only teach the history of good behavior, integrity, courtesy, and etiquette, but more more. It has been a huge success with personal development, anti-bullying, and positive social/emotional skills that last a lifetime.
Classes are hosted at Homes, Schools, Community Centers, Girl Scouts/Brownies Troop Meetings, Social Clubs, Assemblies, Performances Halls, Churches, Women's Clubs, Birthday Parties, Bar Mitzvahs, Cotillions, Cub and Boy Scouts, etc.
Parents also enjoy hosting parties and classes for their own adult functions, Social Clubs, Service Organizations, Executive Development Seminars, Business Fraternities, Churches, Restaurants, as well as Tea and Coffee Houses.
If you would like to host an event, please contact us at
1-866-ROYL-KZS. Royal Keys has many fun and exciting ideas for you.
“Very Informative.”
- Arnitra
"I learned a lot and had fun remembering all my manners. I will remember and use everything Royal Keys taught me. I practiced at home. I will miss Royal Keys."
~ Pamela, age 8
Better Relationships
What Happened to Being Kind to Others?
What do you want to leave behind as your legacy? What will people say about you and your relationships, or for that matter, what are they saying now?
The difference between who you are and who you will become is how you deal with everyday situations®. As our world becomes larger and people live in masses, rules need to be taught just to survive and make positive, civil relationships. Rudeness, crudeness, thoughtlessness, and uncivilized behavior seems to be shaping the world today.
Royal Keys® is addressing social-behavioral problems and correcting them before they become habits in both children and adults.
Warmth and affirmation are as important as food and oxygen. We need a direction in social-emotional behavior and self-esteem in order to have the opportunity to flourish in our relationships. With Royal Keys®, you will get the upper hand in making and choosing and nurturing the right relationships.
It is never too late to start!! Royal Keys® will help you achieve a better quality of life. Royal Keys® will open the doors to success and unlock the door to your potential, changing you and your future for the better.
Royal Keys® is dedicated to helping and working to encourage: self-worth, social-emotional development, conflict resolution, character building, tolerance, bully-proofing, etiquette, and much more. Our special classes are adaptable to many situations and needs. We have prepared many different classes to help you, in personal and business relationships, as well as helping your children bloom and be the best they can be in a fun, creative and exciting ways. When you learn the Royal Keys® method, you not only change, but people change towards you as well.
We over have over 50 programs with fun activities that give value to the purpose of being a better person and learning how to communicate effectively with others.
“People I've known for a long time started approaching me and saying things like, 'You seem really happy in your relationship lately' or 'The two of you really support each other and are just great together. What's your secret?' I just smile and say, 'Thank you. We learned a few simple but highly effective techniques from Royal Keys'."
Manager, IT & Operations Kestrel
Boeing Defense, Space & Security
"Our children, both boys and girls, enjoyed learning these very important and needed social skills. The Grand Tea Party that completed the class was also a great success. We are looking forward to our September session, 'Club Royal Keys'.
Alternative greetings and introductions
1) Royal keys has added a new program that teaches historical and current alternative to greetings and introductions.
2) Go to contact us for more information.
Royal Keys is dedicated to:
“Changing behaviors, attitudes, and lives.” ®
“The difference between who you are today and who you will become is how you deal with everyday situations.” ®
“Good behavior should be everyone’s business.” ®